
Showing posts with the label Textile EF

Endless Creative Possibilities with this Bundle!

Just a quick little 'Hello' post this morning ~ my yard work is calling me ~ we are slowly getting the yard here at the LakeHouse tidied and more to what we envision it to be ~ here is a before and after of our little garden area ~ you've been asking for pictures, so here you go!!! this area was covered in Gout Weed and Ferns ~ I pulled it all out and then realized I forgot to take a picture of it all ~ the little statue is sitting on a huge square block of cement with two more on either side .... and then as I dug, there were three more that were actually buried !!!!! seriously!!!!! my sister came for a weekend and helped me with 'odd' jobs ~ thanks so much Diane!!! Ta-Da!!!! the area has been cleaned!!! We don't want to feed the deer ~ so up with the fence ~ thanks Dean xoxo  and there you have it ~ our wonderful garden ~ a whole lot smaller then the one on the acreage ~ and I love it ~ 15 minutes and it's weeded!!! ...