
Showing posts with the label Right On Track

Freshly Made For Isaac!

Our sweet little Isaac...oh where did the time go...three years old on the 28th????? I have so many blessings in my life, and here is yet another one ~ first the very serious side of our Isaac... and then I asked for a smile..... He is such a sweet boy and I had so much fun creating his birthday card...'red is my very favourite colour'...and of course he still loves his Thomas the train...and trains in general ~ so needless to say, I knew exactly where I was going with this one. Thanks so much Rita for a fabulous sketch, hop on over to the Freshly Made Sketches and join in the fun...I love what these wonderful girls put together for us to create, what a fabulous starting place...and heaven knows, I need a starting place! I LOVE this sketch! And so, of course this needs a train track and sponged sky line.... ~ Just a little peek so you can see where I placed my dimensionals ~ Happy Birthday my sweet sweet Isaac ~ you are SO loved XOXOXOX Thank you so much for stoppin...