September Paper Pumpkin Alternatives #denisewillerton #paperpumpkinalternatives #stampinchezmoi #paperpumpkin #babywipetechnique #stampinup

What a great road trip to see our son and his family this past week ~ this was the treasure that awaited us ~ and when we got home, my September Paper Pumpkin was waiting for me ~ I couldn't wait to get into that box of surprises!!! and this picture is just TOO cute and fitting to go along with Septembers Paper Pumpkin!!! It's a Pumpkin Tower!!! I started by creating a OSW (One Sheet Wonder) DSP style and then cut that to fit my card base!! Doing these are SO addicting and I can't wait to do more ~ special thanks to Ruth Trice for the inspiration and FANTASTIC teaching of how to create OSW's ~ mine looks like a Hot Mess compared to her's, I have so much to learn, but did dive in anyway ~ I can't wait to do more !!! Come and join me in my studio as I create these beautiful fall cards as my September Paper Pumpkin alternatives ~ Please Subscribe to my channel while you're there ~ Thank you SO much!!! thank you SO much for stopping by today ~ I hope I have le...